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    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 13. 21:54

    We are men going our own way by forging our own identities and paths to self-defined success; cutting through collective ideas of what a man is. RULES: We will allow no:. Bullshit. Feminist. SJW/LGBT. White Knighting. Hug Boxing / Entryism.

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    Concern Trolling. Tone Policing. Virtue Signaling.

    Humble Bragging. Low Effort Any violations can result in immediate banishment. Posting here is a privilege. If you get a ban, shrug it off and improve. Disclaimer: This subreddit is not 'official' and does not represent MGTOW 'officially'.

    All knowledge found here is posted by volunteers. Misc:. TRP:.,. Subreddits:. Youtube:.

    Web:. 4AA9pKyuWyPi3rA2cQ1i2tUFKxfm1dDMz1TyAtCRnL8YCB7Q2h88CtfZZsDKZi9n9bB2CLUbUJjtdfKsyfeCJghELquzFU1 CrP5CQqCNUXZrSzi6dRf9XMjSV8EgsGDneqhAczMdwAkVyAJD2Lqjw4gM5WGmBAqfLZfAnRfY8HZkhKgzLRJ8XP32tUXZvT. Growing up, I had a conservative upbringing. Today, I consider myself even more conservative than my parents. The following is a fleshing-out of quiet observations made over the years regarding our declining culture and my discontent with it. The three words that describe the culture I see. Women are becoming men and men are becoming women.

    Attention-seeking women began the ‘selfie’ trend, and since then, both sexes can’t stop taking pictures of themselves, incrementally increasing the amount of skin they show. Prostituting themselves for worldly validation. Girls parade their asses and tits online. Men take more selfies at the gym than the number of times they actually pick up the weights. It seems Instagram uncovered an inherent vice in humanity. One that was being suppressed for the longest time. A vice with little means of expression - until now.

    Has social media brought out the worst in society? With the advent of Instagram, EVERYONE wants to be a famous model because it’s easier than ever. These people compete to see who’ll post the next most-provacative pic, and garner the most attention. This way, they’ll get noticed. They think there’s something admirable to being famous. Something enviable, upstanding in showing off their bodies for all the world to see. I often imagine what it’d be like to go back in time a few decades, iPhone in hand and show the average instagram profile to a person on the street.

    Their eyebrows would raise and they’d say, “why does he take so many pictures of himself? That’s my question. When and how did this blatant narcissism become so culturally accepted? Taking six photos of yourself a day isnormal? Another symptom of societal sickness. Many YouTube videos have lost their authenticity.

    Once upon a time, YouTube videos involved a person displaying something they found genuinely interesting to the world. Videos about bodybuilding and weight training(areas I am particularly fond of) used to be made with a sincere purpose behind them. The man in front of the camera was there to demonstrate a technique or share tips. Things people could actually benefit from. Now anyone who appears to have won the genetic lottery in the looks department can make a video with the guise of teaching the world how they ‘did it’, when really, the video is just another 24 frames per second selfie. They secretly hope the world will marvel at how excellent they look. Often times, there’s nothing viewers can do to ever look like them (ex.

    Improving jaw shape, which is genetic). The ostensible: make a video to help people.

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    Ulterior Motive: Show off and hope a million people see me. Vapidity has replaced authenticity.

    In 2008, the man in front of the camera was there to demonstrate proper lifting form. In 2018, he’s there to demonstrate himself. And he knows it. That’s disingenuous. Girls make ‘booty’ workout videos to show off their shitter to millions, adorned in yoga pants made by a company that’s sponsoring them to wear it.

    That’s disingenuous. The million “fitness vlogs” on YouTube, where the camera is pointing in the wrong direction the whole time, and the “transformation videos”, with the flexing shirtless guy on the thumbnail, tell all. Today the fitness world stands for the lowest-of-the-low. It strikes the least-common-denominator among people. Everybody has a body, so anybody can use ‘fitness’ as a means to indirectly draw attention to themselves. Fitness in today-speak is literally a blanket term. It conceals and incubates narcissism and self-worship.

    The Bible speaks of these very things in the end times: This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy - 2 Timothy 3:2 When did yoga pants become culturally accepted as okay for a woman to wear? When its popularity began to climb, I remember thinking that that kind of garment was meant to be worn underneath something else, another article of clothing - like shorts, because they’re too form-fitting to be worn alone. Don’t get me wrong. We secretly love them.

    They have a habit of turning our heads for all the wrong reasons. When you can see the fabric receding into her ass, now that’s awesome! That’sthe problem right there. She shouldn’t be eliciting those responses in public. When I understood that the intention was for them to be a substitute for pants, I knew that our culture had reached another milestone of degeneracy. The way yoga pants (if you even want to call them that) are worn today, would be like a woman in the 1950s walking the streets in pantyhose.

    She’d be out of her mind. What shocks me now, is how societal standards have so totally flipped in so little time. It is indecent for a woman to openly display her figure in such detail that yoga pants allow. Yoga pants are undergarments.

    A few years ago, when my buddies and I would see a woman wearing them pass us on the street, I would say it looks like she just painted her legs and called that pants. Sometimes, a woman can wear yoga pants so tight, that the material recedes into her vagina, in what is known as a ‘camel-toe’.

    A woman’s figure should be protected. Something not to be paraded. It is God-given.

    She belongs to her husband. Therefore, the parts of a woman yoga pants reveal should only be seen by him.

    To justify wearing them though, women say that men should be able to control themselves. And we should all leave our doors unlocked because no one is supposed to enter without asking/when we’re not home. And we all should leave our bicycles on the sidewalk because no one is supposed to take them from us.

    Adam should have controlled himself when Eve offered him the forbidden fruit. Although too extreme, Islam has the right idea. In islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, women are heavily clothed, wearing burqas and niqabs that cover them entirely. In the United States I have never seen a hijab-wearing muslim woman wear yoga pants without at least a shirt (which is long-sleeve) covering her backside. A woman should not even wear pants. She should wear a dress, her sex’s traditional attire.

    She looks better in it. A healthy society encourages women to embrace their femininity. (see Eastern Europe) For the longest time, I have experienced this feeling of dread whenever I’m around girls my age. Something sinks within me whenever they’re near. Whenever I look at them or engage with them, something feels off.

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    As ifthey’re competing with me; they’re too tough, too callous. I’ll be at the gym doing my sets and then see a girl, with yoga pants pulled up to her fucking waist, doing sumo deadlifts. What the fuck.

    On the other hand, whenever foreign girls have been around me, girls raised with tradition, I remember experiencing distinctly different feelings. Something leaps within me. My spirits raise. I feel more like a man. And that makes me happy. Forgive the pun, but a Foreigner lyric comes to mind because it's true: and I guess that it's just the woman in you that brings out the man in me. American girls aren’t embracing their femininity.

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    They are being taught to squash it. Everywhere I go, I see women driving Jeeps. A man’s man’s car. The vehicle that won WWII. It’s the new fad for women.

    Silly boys, Jeeps are for girls. You are deluded. Women are lifting heavy weights in the gym.

    They’re bodybuilding. Not ‘shaping up’, but testing up. Women are taking testosterone. A frightful image of ripped female crossfitters, abdominal muscles and all, comes to mind.

    Feminists have indoctrinated women, telling them that they should be like the boys. Equal to them. Part of the problem is that this behavior is being accepted by men. I’m shocked to hear men say how they like a woman who lifts. What the fuck? Nicola Tesla, one of mankind’s greatest geniuses, spoke on this very issue almost a hundred years ago! He said: “ Now the soft-voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished.

    In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies in making herself as much as possible like man-in dress, voice and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind. Women are becoming stronger than men, both physically and mentally. The world has experienced many tragedies, but to my mind the greatest tragedy of all is the present economic condition wherein women strive against men, and in many cases actually succeed in usurping their places in the professions and in industry. This growing tendency of women to overshadow the masculine is a sign of a deteriorating civilization.” 'Woman's determined competition with man in the business world is breaking down some of the best traditions-things which have proved the moving factors in the world's slow but substantial progress. The tendency of women to push aside man, supplanting the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life, is very disappointing to me. Woman’s independence and her cleverness in obtaining what she wants in the business world is breaking down man's spirit of independence.

    The old fire he once experienced at being able to achieve something that would compel and hold a woman's devotion is turning to ashes.” “Women don't seem to want that sort of thing to-day. They appear to want to control and govern. They want man to look up to them, instead of their looking up to him.” I was quite shocked to read that. I thought Nicola Tesla was talking about 2018. If that was 1924, imagine how far it’s come today. Humans are sociable creatures. A person adapts the behavioral patterns of the people they are around the most.

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    In olden times, men and women were separated. The men and the boys went off to work and hunt together, while the women and girls housekept, washed clothes, tended to the garden, etc. It is this way that boys learned how to become men - by being among men. It is this way that girls became women - by being among women. Today, women have spread into society further than ever, increasing in every facet.

    There are more of them in the workforce now than in any time in history. Because of this, boys are being exposed to more of them from an early age. Boys are adopting their behavior, mannerisms and speech patterns, explaining the tragedy we see today. Newton’s Third Law of Thermodynamics dictates that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    The other day I saw two men emerge from a light-green Volkswagon Beetle, traditionally a woman’s car, and the driver donned a man-bun. In other news!

    Testosterone levels are declining, pussy power is on the rise, and men are wearing their hair in buns. Soy boy buns. On a more personal note, I’ve often wondered why girls ogle over guys with sparkly-eyed, feminine facial features like Orlando Bloom, Zac Efron, Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Bieber, and these young internet celebrities today, like Sean Mendes, Cameron Dallas, etc. When I was younger, all the girls my age couldn’t stop talking about how hot these kinds of guys were. And the boys in school who resembled them the most were the ones that girls dated. Deep down, I knew something was off about these guys, but didn’t know what. Anyway, at that time, seeing girls’ reactions, I thought this was how the ideal guy was supposed to look.

    Lean body with abs, stylized hair, pretty face. Because I was still developing my identity and wanted girls to like me, I tried changing my appearance and behavior a little bit to better suit my chances of getting a girlfriend. Yet, I felt unhappy and nothing changed. That was not who I was. In high school, I saw these Sean Mendes/Cameron Dallas-type dudes, sometimes with the ‘lax flow’ getting all the attention from girls. They had it all.

    Good looks, toned physiques, a lot of friends, girlfriends. I was even friends with one of them. I’d nonchalantly observe how the girls flocked to him, talking him up.

    For a while, I was a fly on the wall. Those dudes and their girlfriends would all go to parties and hang out with each other. I wanted that.

    I realized I wanted to look better than those guys. So I decided to change.

    In September of 2015 at the age of 16, I began to lift weights. My vision of success outweighed the pain of the gym. I kept that in mind the entire time. Fast forward to today and I can say that I’ve gained more than just muscles I never knew existed. My vision changed. Since those high school years, I have learned what a man is.

    The concept I was looking for all along, but would not find in a world full of boys. That’s what felt so off about those dudes all these years later. They were ‘pretty boys’. I learned that the girls loved these guys because of how taboo it is for a guy to have feminine features. It’s unconventional, unorthodox. It’s different, which makes a man stand out. And this captures them.

    It’s one of those sicknesses unique to females. Regardless, Men are not supposed to look that way. Eventually, I stopped ‘curling for the girls’. I stopped working out for female validation. Because it’s frivolous. The focus is within me now. I lift weights to be strong - for my fulfillment as a man.

    (After allwomen want a strong manloljk) The root of our decay is the utopia we have here in the first-world. As the saying goes: “You were born in America? You’ve already won the lottery.” Life has become so easy, so far removed from real problems facing people in other countries, that we have forgotten GOD. We do not need him. Here in America, we’re running 5ks, not running from 5 thousand bombs dropping from the sky.

    We’re not hunting for food and water, struggling to stay alive. We’re living lavishly compared to those people, while our military, which we’ve long lost our check over, is dropping those bombs.

    The Defense Industry makes bank. Life is so easy here in America, that we’ve run out of problems. So we’ve created our own. Racism, sexism, gender inequality, gender oppression, transgender oppression, homophobia, lack of diversity, and new warriors to combat them. Cultural marxists, anti-fascists, SJWs, and BLMers, to name a few. America’s Judeo-Christian values have made her so free and blessed, that all are equal. And because everyone is equal, people have to feel victimized in some way so that they can feelspecial.

    This is entitlement. What winds up happening is that these groups of people, including ‘minorities’ (many of whom enter this country illegally), receive unworthy special treatment that surpasses the threshold of equality everyone else is entitled to by law. The least deserving are awarded by playing the victim card. Entitlement is the problem. So what can be done? At the rate things are going, I can’t say. The fact that Donald Trump triumphed over the leftist leviathan in 2016 proved the existence of the ‘silent majority’.

    It demonstrated that there’s still a majority in the United States that dislikes what the left stands for. The left has the mainstream media conglomerate on its side and its spewing propaganda persistently. Concentration of power is in the wrong hands.

    Militarized government can be mobilized against Americans if Americans begin to mobilize. Nothing short of civil war can fix this country. The enemy has embedded itself far too deep into the fabric of our nation. The only plausible solution is to leave the country, which may be the only solution for a man seeking a pure wife. Conditions are getting worse here, no doubt about it. It’s only a matter of time before the hearts and minds of the coming generations become so polluted that we’ll be left in utter decay once the old passes away. Women will never change in terms of the social media whoring they are validated and given attention by betas and foreigns who have no idea about anything that only sky rockets the women’s ego to where she can never be humbled down.

    The mainstream media only makes this worse by feeding the general public of sheeps by promoting a gynocentric way of the world. Even moving to the east doesn’t help because once the the women steps in the western society she changes everything about herself and starts acting like the fellow modern thots.

    Anyways that doesn’t matter AWALT everywhere around the world some just can hide it better than others. Us MGTOW have won because we have figured out the female nature and we can make use of it by ignoring all that crap, prevent ourselves from getting brainwashed by it and staying away from women. GYOW. Very good writing.

    It's uncommon that a long post like this captured my attention. 1) I think, your masculinity AKA male nature, is determined largely by biology.

    I believe some psychologist theorized form studies that humans are shaped by 80% nature, and 20% nurture. I think he used the 'twins when separated' studies. 1A) It is fascinating how men stop being such a workhorse when societies bear their end, lol. Perhaps, we could Men's sweat fuels society, and when society no longer thinks it needs fuel, it disposed of the men, metaphorically at least. 2) About civil war.

    'The blood of patriots and tyrants is needed to keep the tree of liberty from withering.' I think I'd be ready to die for something so glorious as renewing our democracy. Keep your eyes open. Prior to the USSR, Far Left politicians sent letters to the Tsar's generals, and lured them to their side. After the Tsar had his hands tied militarily, the leftists coordinated with the heads of industry/transportation, and the Eastern Free Masons to form a shadow government. There's nothing wrong with yoga pants, unless the woman wearing them is over 120lbs (or, if short, 105lbs). Some burkha wearing females eagerly don bikinis in the right environments.

    There's even a chance you've seen them before. They just won't be both in burkha and a bikini at the same time, normally. Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan? The society feels dead.

    The same people return to vitality when they visit the west. I've seen it with my own eyes. They've experienced it firsthand. That's probably why they want out. You've more or less postulated that a religious right is best for society. There are at least two questions that arise. Which religion and best for who?

    With regards to the former, any religion that lays claim to knowing the way to the ultimate truth but in which the followers are so clearly not radiant, that religion (vast majority of them) can safely be ruled out. With regards to the later, what is best is subjective. I'm okay with women wearing yoga pants. I see nothing wrong with it.

    I'm fine with them being sky clad as well, I mean, that's the way God intended. I'm not going to wear them myself. I don't even wear shorts in public out of a sense of modesty.

    The military will undoubtably squash rebellion, if called upon. There are some (bear in mind I am fundamentally an anarchist), primarily on the political right, that are trapped in a self-fulfilling prophesy/martyr complex world view. It sounds like you've been exposed to them. All that said, you presented your thoughts eloquently and I enjoyed the read. Western Civ also need for its men to re-adopt the customs that make them men, which, ironically overlaps greatly with MGTOW fundamentals. Men are born to lead, but society shackles them. To lead, one must have vision and the wherewithal to make that vision reality.

    Insofar as one is catering to another, following in the path of another, they are not in control, they are not fulfilling their destiny. When a man sets his own course he naturally comes of age, so to speak. Most men today don't believe in themselves enough to attempt this, even if they could conceive of it (society does a great job inculcating dependency).

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